Gucci Glasses frames 2014
Gucci eyeglasses
Gucci is a renowned luxury brand known worldwide for its capacity of combining traditional and modern elements into their products. The result is a timeless product with a modern twist that cannot be ignored. When it comes to eyewear, Gucci maintain the same strategy, creating innovative sophisticated eyeglasses for men and women.
Being a premium high-fashion brand, Gucci uses only materials that can provide durability and style at the same time.
In the eyewear industry, most plastic frames are made from Acetate, a material made from natural cotton fibers that gives the frames a natural feel. But, Gucci decided that their eyeglasses need more than a natural feel, so the Acetate used in the production process of their eyewear contains a higher percentage of natural materials. This innovation is part of their decision to find alternatives to petroleum-derived plastic. The frames manufactured through this process are extremely lightweight, flexible and they enable the possibility of having colorful eyeglasses.
Being a company that cares about environmental issues, Gucci also created frames using bio materials made from castor seeds.
For customers who prefer classic eyeglasses, metal frames made from high-quality materials are available. Stainless steel that guarantees strength, flexibility and durability is used to build some Gucci frames. But again, this was not enough for a company that likes to innovate the eyewear world so they decided to build ruthenium frames. A member of the platinum family, this metal is non-corrosive, strong, durable and resistant to scratching and abrasion.
We cannot talk about Gucci, without talking about style. The frames are not only stylish, they are amazingly designed in full-rim, rimless and semi-rimless, in a variety of shapes such as cat eye, rectangle, wayfarer, to name just a few. The brand’s creativity and incredible taste is shown in the various patterns, textures and colors. The frames and the temples complement each other when it comes to colors and color combinations, but they are also very comfortable, hypoallergenic and very light.
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